Chip Kick Challenge + 25% SALE TODAY
Kick for 3 FREE SAUCES!
Watch the video above and see how we accomplished this difficult feat.
We placed and open tub of JeeSauce on a table five feet away from the kick point where we flicked a corn chip (hundreds of corn chips actually) and eventually stuck one in a sauce, determining the BIG GAME SALE we are running now.
Gotta watch the video:)
We offer a challenge.
*Replicate this kick and win a completely free order of 3 JeeSauces, with a winning discount code.
Here are the JeeSauce Chip Kick Challenge rules:
Must flick a chip only.
No limits on attempts. (Keep kicking until you win.)
Chip must be flicked with finger as shown in the video. (No placing, throwing or dropping chips)
Chip must stick upright in sauce by itself. (bouncing into the tub or laying flat does not win:)
Kick must be 5ft distance.
Must be filmed with no editing of winning kick. (other edits allowed)
Must be posted to social media with hashtag #JeeSauceChipKick.
Must be following @yallneedJeeSauce and must tag at least three friends. (Facebook, Instagram or TikTok)
Must kick into a JeeSauce only and show label of JeeSauce.
Must be posted on or before Sunday Feb 9th.
*Everyone who succeeds gets their own code for a free order of three 9oz JeeSauces. If a party has multiple winners, each winning kick must be posted on separate accounts, with the tagging and following requirements above.
Winning codes will be sent by message through social media messaging within 48hrs of winning post.
If you have no sauce to kick into, we are running a HUGE 25% OFF SALE on all 9oz tubs.
Get some JeeSauce and try the JeeSauce Chip Kick Challenge!
Our Eternal Promise
You will experience fullness of joy with JeeSauce. If for any reason your experience is less than our promise to you, we will refund or replace your product and your request is processed in 24 hours.